Thursday, December 15, 2022

Nightingale released today

I'm excited to share the newest Mirabilia released today, MD185 Nightingale, Nora's tribute to nurses everywhere:

"Florence Nightingale revolutionized nursing with her round blue diagrams called blue roses. Her dress is a myriad of blue patterns that gleam like china. It is said that she gifted a friend a delft blue and white vase. She carried a lantern at night to attend to the sick and wounded. The same light that radiates in all nurses and caregivers everywhere."

Fun fact: Nora's original drawing had her holding a lantern, but she left it out when she created the chart. This is the first finish:

After seeing the photos Nora decided to put the lantern back in, and she called for glow in the dark Kreinik to be used:

It's a truly stunning design, and will bring people a lot of pleasure as they bring her to life.