Friday, September 25, 2015

Friendship Compass finished

Last weekend I went to visit my mom, and the timing was fortuitous because I was able to make a stop at Welcome Stitchery and buy some beads and treasures to finish up my Friendship Compass freebie from Glendon Place:

It has been really interesting seeing all of the various color combinations in the FB group, and how different they can make the design look. Here is the designer's (Cheryl Granda) take on her design:

Quite a difference!

I finally received a Rosewood Manor model last week, and it's a big one, so I won't have too much stitching I can share for a while. I did get a couple of pieces of neat, painted fabric from HLC Fabrics that I will be playing with to find a great design to stitch on each of them:

I have three binders full of Halloween patterns, so I should be able to find something to stitch on these...

Hope everyone has a great stitchy weekend!


  1. Those are very interesting fabrics. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  2. Wow those fabrics are awesome! I've been playing with the idea of painting some. Congrats on your finish it's lovely!

  3. I love your work , you used beautiful colors.
    Wow fabrics is fantastic
    It is a great shopping.

  4. It turned out great.
    Love the colors.
    Your new fabrics are very cool. :)
    Can't wait to see what you stitch on them.

  5. beautiful work, love the colors

  6. I really like your colour choices and what cool fabrics!

  7. Your finish is gorgeous! How nice with some new stash:) Looking forward to seeing what you'll stitch next:)
