Monday, February 25, 2019

Sticking with the plan

Another week of work stitching and then a weekend for myself--can't believe I've stuck with it for two weeks now! I have definitely felt the urge to work on something else, both WIPs and new starts, but I am really going to try to finish the Vervaco mini SAL before moving on to another project. Here is where I ended up after this weekend:

Once I finish the sleeping kitten part 1 will be done. Part 3 arrived last Friday, so the whole design has now been released; Leonore, hopefully you received all three parts last Friday?

Since that is all of the stitching I can share for now, I thought I'd give an update on my little Murphy, since Marilyn was kind enough to inquire about him. He has definitely settled in and has become a much-loved part of our household; even the cats have gotten used to him! Here is Gracie sharing a patch of sun with him:

And Maxie sharing her couch:

The polar vortex went through our area, and that was hard for Murphy as he has a very short, wiry coat and his feet would start freezing after just a minute or two outside; he wasn't thrilled with the jacket I got for him, but he lets me put it on him anyway:

He spends most of his time warmly swaddled in the chair behind my stitching table:

It's been fun watching him grow more secure in our home and having more of his personality come out; I feel so lucky that we found him at the shelter, though it makes me sad knowing that there are so many wonderful animals out there that haven't found their forever homes yet.

Hope everyone has a great stitchy week!


  1. I'm liking this design with the Kitties.
    Glad Murphy is doing so well and adjusting.
    He is too cute!
    Love that last pic where is all wrapped up, so cute.

  2. Murphy is adorable! And the kitties are cute, too! :-)

  3. Oh, the kitties are so pretty! I did receive an email linking all three parts, so all is well on that front, thank you :) I love the pictures of Murphy, he's so cute but looks like he's got quite a character too!

  4. M is such a handsome boy! And cats tolerate him well.
