Monday, April 27, 2020

Only one model in the house!

I finished up Mirabilia's MD172 on April 17th, and it was approved and sent back to Wichelt last Monday, which is always a good feeling. Even better is that I now only have one model currently remaining to stitch, though it is a rather large one for Rosewood Manor. Last year I took on a bit more than I was comfortable with, and felt like deadlines were looming larger than I would like so it is nice to have cleared my "work" table of all but one design. This model will probably take me well into July, so I have asked Wichelt not to send me anything until at least the end of June and I feel considerably lighter than I have for some time.

I spent the weekend after I completed the Mirabilia working on the Duchess of Rouen for myself, and I finished her massive hair:

After all that white and gray it was a pleasure to make a start on the colorful flowers in all that hair:

I'm remaining up to date on the temperature SAL, which currently looks like this:

Looking forward to a new high temperature square any time now...

Hope everyone has a great stitchy week!


  1. I've never seen a temperature SAL before; such a lovely idea:)

  2. The Duchess has such a sweet face.
    I see some warm days on the temp SAL!

  3. It always feels good to be caught up on your 'deadline' stitching :) Hopefully, this will give you some air to breathe and enjoy your own work.

  4. The temperature thing looks awesome.
    The earlier princess looked great.
    The Duchess is magnificient!
