I still have no models in the house and I am still really enjoying it--I don't remember the last time I had over a month to just work on whatever struck my fancy! It might be a bit difficult to buckle down once I get more "work" in, but I am ready anytime now.
I finished Madame Chantilly's Cats in the Rain a couple of weeks ago, stitched on a Silkweaver solo Belfast linen and personalized to look more like me and some of my cats:
Once that was done the urge hit to stitch another block on my colorized version of Black'd Skie, which I finished about a week ago. This piece is right at the halfway point now:
A project that I've had in mind for several years has been Just Nan's 12 Days of Christmas WhimZi, which has the 12 designs in a size meant for her WhimZi frames (which are no longer sold but I bought when they were available). While looking for a fabric for another project the other day I came across my stash of Tattersall linen and thought how fun it would be to use it for the 12 Days:
I've now stitched the first day (except for the metallic used to outline the purple number box) and it fits pretty well in the square:

I'm toying with the idea of adding a border of metallic thread and/or beads between the stitching and the fabric border but I'll think about that after I have a few more squares stitched. I would still like to do these individually as well, to hang on the tree, but I think they'll be really pretty together like this. There is a lot of fun detail in these, which is amazing considering they're only 29x29 stitches.
Finally, last Thursday part 7 of The Rooky Wood SAL was released; I thought I had finished it last night but then realized that I had forgotten the crescent moon cut-outs on the shutters so after a few minutes of work this morning it's now done (except for a few areas I'll do when the adjoining parts come out):
There was a snippet of the house when this mystery SAL was announced and it's what made me want to stitch it; it has not disappointed as I think it's adorable and am looking forward to seeing the whole house completed in parts 10 and 11 (I'm assuming a bit there...).
Not sure what I'm going to work on today; I could start Day 2 of the Just Nan design, I have a couple of Mirabilia's that I'd like to start sometime, I have Heart in Hand's Patriotic Tiny Town ready to go as well or I could start another square of Black'd Skie--too many choices, never enough time...
Wishing everyone all the best in the New Year!