Monday, June 17, 2024

Another wildlife rescue attempt

Eight years ago, I took a duckling that had been separated from the mother to a local bird sanctuary where they were able to rehome him/her with another family of ducks. A week ago this past Sunday I came across a baby bird who was in even worse shape; it looked like he (I'll go with "he", though I have no idea what sex he/she was--I couldn't even tell what kind of bird he was, he was so little!) had been blown from the nest and a parent had tried to help him, but a hawk must have gotten the parent because there were "parts" scattered on the curb where the baby lay. :( I saw him as we headed out with the dogs for their walk, and cried when I saw him moving and realized what I was seeing. I thought for sure that he was a goner, but when I left for my walk about an hour later, he was still there and still moving, so I couldn't leave him there again.

The bird sanctuary has closed, so I took him to a wildlife rehab center in Green Bay. I held him in my hand the whole way up there, trying to keep him warm, and I could feel him moving and hear him cheeping off and on while I drove, so I knew he hadn't died on the way. Before I handed him over, I took a picture; right before this photo he stretched his head up and opened his mouth to be fed, so I'm slightly hopeful that he can be saved:

I'm debating whether I should call to see if he made it, because I know it will just make me sad if he didn't, but at least he got a chance he wouldn't have had if I had left him there. I learned years ago not to watch nature documentaries because there's just too much carnage, but there wasn't any way to avoid this situation--sigh!

On the stitchy side of things, I spent last week on a Heart in Hand model that I need to mail back today. Now I'm back to Nora Corbett's Mari:

I originally thought that I might get her done in June, as I started her for a June Pixie SAL, but with the week off I'm thinking that's no longer possible; I guess time will tell.

Hope everyone has a great stitchy week!

Monday, June 3, 2024

June Pixie SAL

I received another Friendstitch model the afternoon of my last post, so I put aside Warm Wooly Welcomes for a few days to get that stitched and sent back. I then returned to Welcomes and am now almost halfway finished:

I would have happily continued with this project, but a member of a Mirabilia FB group started a Nora Corbett June Pixie SAL and for some reason it just called to me. About 10 years ago, when the first set of Bewitching Pixies came out, I kitted up all six of them but have only stitched two so far:


And Emi:

So I located the box with the floss for the remaining four pixies and pulled out an old Silkweaver solo that I always thought would look good with one of these; looking at the floss and fabric I decided that Mari's colors meshed the best with the fabric, so that is the one I chose:

I didn't have a lot of stitching time this past weekend, but I did make a bit of progress on my new start:

It will be fun to see how much I can get done during June; the sheep are still calling to me, but I'm going to try to stick with Mari for at least the duration of the SAL.

We're still trying to determine what is going on with Murphy, as shortly after my last post the vet called and said that the test they had done the previous week showed that he didn't have Cushing's. Since then, we monitored his water intake for a three-day period and found that he is drinking more than he should be, which is obviously why he's peeing inappropriately (i.e. in the house). We are having more bloodwork done this afternoon, and if that doesn't show what they're looking for then the next step is an ultrasound. So, still up in the air, and not great because I feel stuck in the house, trying to take him out at least once an hour. More stitching time, I guess...

Hope everyone has a great stitchy week!