Monday, September 16, 2024

Models released

A couple of Nora Corbett models that I finished back in January were released over the weekend; NC350 North Pacific Mermaid:

And NC351 South Pacific Mermaid:

I did ask if the names should be switched, as the red and yellow one says "South Pacific" to me and the cool colors look like "North Pacific", but I guess they were correct as is.

South Pacific originally only had one seahorse, but when I sent in a question right as I started her the amended chart came back with two! She also had some work done on her hands before they were accepted by Nora:

Here are some more photos of the finished pieces:

I took the weekend off from the model and worked on Nora Corbett's Arezzo; she now has a face and all of the skin is done so I'm happy with the progress I made:

This coming Saturday is the online Friendstitch Gratitude Gathering, and the goodie box arrived a few days ago:

It's always fun to open the box during the gathering, and this one is even a little better because it is part of my payment for stitching models for the retreat. I definitely need something to look forward to these days!

Hope everyone has a great stitchy week!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Still here and still stitching

It's been another minute since I last posted, so it took me a little while to put together what I've been working on again. It adds up, even when I feel like I'm not making much progress on anything.

My mom and son are still dealing with medical issues, but my dog's issues have been improving--yay! I started the August sheep from Amy Bruecken's Warm Wooly Welcomes during one of my mom's procedures:

I stuck with Cleo and was able to finish her up a few weeks ago:

I am not thrilled with the coverage of DMC 310 here; if I had it to do over, I would probably use three strands. It looks okay from a distance, but pretty thin closer up. Cleo makes the fourth finish of the original six Bewitching Pixies, so I'll be choosing between Ana and Luna when I decide to start another one.

I've made a small start on Nora Corbett's Arezzo 2014, which is a design she did for a show in Italy ten years ago. The chart is hand drawn and difficult to read, but a few years ago I sat down and entered it into a charting program, so it is much easier to work with now:

The balcony is charted in shades of brown, but I wanted to use this fabric (SMF Petals on Belfast) and I thought grays would look better with it; I'm pretty happy with how the changes turned out.

The last model I stitched for Heart in Hand has been released, which is Thankful Tiny Town:

Mine is the one finished as a drum on the cover. It is a really fun stitch, with the turkeys being my favorite part. I'm looking forward to stitching it for myself with the additional Frill included:

I did end up accepting a Mirabilia model from Wichelt, since it has a six-month deadline and that's at least twice as long as I need to stitch it, so that's my focus for now; I'm hoping to work on Arezzo maybe just a day or two each week, as well.

Hope everyone has a great stitchy week!