Monday, February 20, 2023

Blame it on Roxie

Last week I had said that I was hoping to finish Mirabilia's 2006 Christmas Tree before the end of this past weekend, but I couldn't quite make it--although if I hadn't had to spend almost seven hours with Roxie at the emergency vet last Monday I would have actually done it! This is how far I got by last night:

After several more hours of beading today it's all done, and it's so sparkly:

It's only taken me 17 years to get two of the six trees done, so in another 34 years the entire set might be finished. :D So far, the 2006 and 2011 trees are completed:

When I do start another one it will probably be either the 2007 or 2008 kit; I really like the doves in the 2007 tree but when I looked at the back of the kits I fell in love with the colors and bling in the 2008 kit. Such difficult decisions...

For now, I'm going to try to get the remaining two designs in the HOD Gather Round kit stitched up this week, and maybe even make an attempt at the finishing once all three are stitched--though that is a lot less certain!

And in case anyone is wondering, Roxie is fine. She had gastroenteritis and aspiration pneumonia; she has to have more Xrays done this Thursday to see if the pneumonia has cleared up (more Xrays in a couple of weeks if it hasn't), and she has to stay on the antibiotic for two weeks after a clear Xray so this could take a while, but she's back to normal otherwise. 

Hope everyone has a great stitchy week!


  1. Melanie: Thay are both beautiful trees, congratulations on getting the one you were working on done. It is good to hear Roxie is doing better.


  2. The tress is so very pretty.
    I'm glad Roxie is on the mend.

    1. Thanks Marilyn; she's kind of a doofus, but we love her!

  3. What a gorgeous finish! So sorry to hear about Roxie's illness and so glad she's better! Those ER visits are so nerve wracking (and expensive!). We've had more than our share in the last 6 months, but thankfully none lately. Get well soon, Roxie!

    1. We're lucky to have an emergency vet in town so not much travel time--some people have to come from pretty far away. Roxie says "thank you"!
