Monday, May 1, 2023

Almost made it

I was hoping to have all three of the Hands on Design Gather Butterflies pieces stitched by the end of the weekend, but as I predicted I wasn't quite able to make it. I came pretty close though (and my inner 5-year-old had a gleeful laugh at this photo):

I'll have the stitching done later this morning, and I think I might try to do the finishing this afternoon so I can get a start on some housework tomorrow. It's funny that I'll have the spring and summer sets of designs done, since apparently we're still in the midst of winter here:

My bleeding heart was just starting to flower, so I'm going to be pretty bummed if this kills off the blossoms:

Hope everyone has a great stitchy week (and better weather than I do)!


  1. Those are some cute designs.
    Yes, that blizzard was uncalled for yesterday!
    I'm so done with the weather this year.
    Lets hope its gone now.

    1. The forecast is looking much more springlike this week, fingers crossed!

  2. Melanie: I am so sad you still have snow, I hope it melts soon and your flowers are spared.
    Here in Minnesota most of the parts have warmer weather and no snow.
    Love the stitching, I had to laugh about your inner five-year-old, so cute.
    Getting close to a finish is kind of fun, that is when i start thinking about what I will stitch next.
    Have a wonderful week-end.


    1. Thanks Catherine. The snow is gone but it's still kind of cold and gloomy; I should know within a few days whether my bleeding heart will blossom--fingers crossed!

  3. Wow, and I thought *our* spring had been a disappointment so far - at least we haven't had snow since February or so!

    1. Almost every year we get snow in April, but May is pushing it even for us!

  4. Total five year old humor! But it still looks good.
    I hope since it's almost June that you're done with that snow!

    1. Sometimes you just have to let your inner child out! :D Thankfully the snow is gone, but now we're already hitting summer temps (mid to high 80s Fahrenheit) and contemplating turning the AC on--just not enough nice spring weather here usually.
