Monday, February 18, 2019

Weekend stitching

So far I'm sticking with my plan to do "work" stitching during the week and then my own projects on the weekend--one whole week!! Unfortunately I lost part of the weekend to errands, but I was able to finish the flowers in the vase on the shelf below the kitty:

Working on the flowers was really enjoyable, as the cheerful colors are a big mood booster here in wintry Wisconsin. Part 2 was sent out last Friday, and it consists of a cat and another vase of flowers to the right of this fellow. It's called a mini SAL, but it's actually quite a bit of stitching, and very nice for being totally free.

I have also signed up for their main SAL which starts March 8 (though I know I won't be able to keep up with it as it is released), and I've received the kit that I ordered from Crafty Kitten:

If you're interested in either of these you can read more about them on Vervaco's site.

This weekend I received a copy of Rosewood Manor's By The Numbers, which I stitched and which will be released at Market at the end of the month:

Karen has three other releases and a cookbook/chart compilation which looks awesome!

Hope everyone has a great stitchy week!


  1. This SAL is beautiful! Thanks for the heads up--will be looking forward to seeing your lovely work.

  2. I love that cat!
    That looks like a nice SAL.
    Numbers is pretty, you did a great job stitching it.
    How's the little guy, Murphy?
    I think we need an update on him! :)

  3. Lovely stitching on the flowers, so nice to break up the winter doldrums. Thanks for the info on the SAL too!

  4. I love the kitty and her flowers! I tried to sign up for the free SAL, but haven't received anything so far. Maybe something went wrong.
    The Numbers Sampler is lovely, especially the green numbers in the top right corner :)

    1. If you signed up after last Friday then you won't receive anything until this Friday--then you should receive all three parts at once. HTH!

  5. That kitty is lovely!
    Your new family member is handsome.
